Clock showed 11 o clock in the night. "Mom,I am hungry. poha banaoge?" I asked.
She replied ,"Abhi iss waqt ?" "Yah,aise hi man kar raha h.and han alu bhi dalna." I added.
As she headed to the kitchen, altogether so many things popped up in mind. No matter where I go, 11 o clock and poha is not just a dish its a memory lane which I would love to walk through again and again.
It's almost a month I have been away from my hostel life. Although I am enjoying the long vacation at home but I am missing few things.
Night canteen ka alu poha, Cheena k hathose banayi hui Maggie, Sayli ki bakar , Tasneem ka pyar, Arpu ka pagalpan, Deo ka dedication, Tanvi ka chipkali ka Dar, Avantika ka dance, Anant k sath campus sair, Heda k long conversations, Viplav and Nizam k chai sutta chronicles, Aman and Load ki galiyan, Maneeb ki kahaniya, Ghanya k taunts, library ki padhayi, katte ka tp, canteen ki coffee, Nescafe pe lemon ice tea, classroom mein mafia. mess ka khana and bathroom mein gaya hua gana...
Festival celebration toh dur ki bat hai yaha toh normal din hi jiya nahi ja raha.. :)
You all made my college days worth remembering for!
